Claims Processing

What you are up against when submitting a claim?

When you submit a claim, you have to deal with a very experienced insurance company adjuster who is thoroughly trained in all aspects of minimizing your damage. Keep in mind that it is the homeowner’s responsibility to point out the damage, not the insurance company’s adjuster’s job. Company adjusters minimize your damage by encouraging cost savings methods. Metro Public Adjustment is your best line of defense. Don’t accept less than what you are entitled to! Metro Public Adjustment will get you the highest possible settlement for all your insurance claims. Whether your property is residential, commercial, or a vacation property, Metro Public Adjustment will negotiate the maximum possible settlement possible.

How does Metro get paid?

Metro works on a contingency basis. Our percentage is based on the size of the loss. There are no up-front expenses to be paid when hiring Metro Public Adjustment. If you are unsure that your damages are worth submitting, Metro offers visitors of this site a free property inspection. To receive your free property inspection, without any obligation, click here.

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